Welcome to Inspiration Sundays

Join us in person or live online for our Celebration Sunday. We begin with our Meditation Service, followed by our inspirational message and music.  Each meditation service includes a guided centering,  time in stillness, and a return in prayer.  Our Inspirational Message and Music is designed to awaken and expand your direct experience of Divinity as loving intelligence and beauty. Soul Center’s Sacred Space is open to ALL people, of any faith or lifestyle, seeking a safe nurturing space to deepen their experience of oneness with God. 

Sunday Service

In Person Services are held at:

2082 Business Center Dr, Suite 180
Irvine, CA 92612

Off MacArthur at John Wayne Airport

Free parking available

Service Times

Weekly on Sunday
(In-person and Online)

Meditation Service
at 10:00 AM Pacific Time

Inspirational Message & Music
at 10:30am Pacific Time

Youth Program

The Beth Morley Enlightened Kids Village program opens at 9:50 allowing parents to attend the Mediation Service. Every week starts with Sacred Circle time, a simple spiritual Lesson for Kids, and an experiential craft to anchor the lesson at home.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’re here to help.

What type of spiritual practices do you offer at your church?

Soul Center is based on our spiritual principles and practices that reflect them. These include: Meditation, Affirmative Prayer, Life Visioning, Sacred Service, Spiritual Study, Spiritual Community, and Tithing A detailed description of our principles and practices click here

How often are services held and what happens there?

Currently we hold weekly Sunday Service in person and online. We begin with a Meditation Service at 10 am PT, followed by an inspirational message and music at 10:30 am PT. During the Service there is a celebration of music, readings, prayer, affirmations and a special message of inspiration.

Is there a dress code for attending services?

We ask that all in attendance are clean and fully clothed including shirts and shoes.  You are welcome to attend in casual dress or a more formal attire, it is up to you. Be comfortable.  

What types of activities are available for members of the community?

We endeavor to establish a community that feels like family, one that enables you to connect to your spiritual center, that nurtures your soul with sacred relationships and one that inspires. We offer events and activities to meet people at their level of comfort. Activities to connect include: Sunday Services, Sacred Service (volunteering), Soul Circles, classes in spirituality, spiritual retreats, and special events including inspirational concerts and other celebrations.  

Are children welcome at services?

Yes! We value our youth and their joyful growth in spirituality. Our Enlightened Kids Village (EKV) is available to children over the age of 3. Children under the age of 3 are welcome in the sanctuary with their parents . We have trained personnel to support your children with fun, inspiring activities during our Sunday Service. Our kids room is a safe place to drop off your child(ren) while you attend Service. If you feel your child is mature enough to attend Sunday Service, feel free to bring them in!

Is Soul Center Christian?

Soul Center embraces openness, community, and growth.

Some Soul Center members are Christian, and their personal encounter with the spirit of Jesus as an embodiment of the Christ Consciousness richly informs their spiritual lives.

As a community, we don’t embrace Jesus as the only savior and Christianity as the only path to God and to eternal salvation. Instead, we embrace New Thought — Ageless Wisdom history including the Gnostic teachings of Jesus and the earliest Christian mystical sects.  We also embrace the founders of the uniquely American New Thought Movement including Emmanuel Swedenborg, Ernest Holmes, Howard Thurman, and transcendentalists such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and others.

While the Bible is referenced in our services and classes, the version that is primarily used is a metaphysical, Gnostic-inspired edition. Also referenced are scriptures from the world’s wisdom traditions including the Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Tao Te Ching, the Zohar, works by the transcendentalists, and more.

Soul Center teaches that Jesus was not the great exception, but rather the great example. Classically, the New Thought-Ageless Wisdom tradition regards Jesus an enlightened being, one who attained cosmic consciousness, or liberation from a sense of separation from the Source of all that is. Jesus, like Siddhartha Gautama (The Buddha) and others are revered as way-showers and exemplars of unconditional love, selfless service, and self-mastery.
