Agape International Spiritual Center


Soul Center Celebrates 11 Years! January is Anniversary Month

Summer Meditation & Nature Retreat

Join Rev. Keith Horwitz for his annual Summer Meditation and Nature Retreat to the top of Mt. San Jacinto, 8,500 ft. (2,590 meters) above sea level and above Palm Springs, CA.  This retreat will focus on an incredible journey in one of the most beautiful State park...

Prayer Purpose & Prosperity

Prayer, Purpose, & Prosperity – *5 or 6 week class March 9 – April 13th, 2023 *If you have never taken a New Thought Affirmative Prayer class then the first class of the series is mandatory which will have the class be six weeks. If you HAVE taken a New...
Spring Meditation & Nature Retreat

Spring Meditation & Nature Retreat

Friday & Saturday May 17-18, 2024.  Join Rev. Keith Horwitz for his annual Spring Meditation and Nature Retreat in Ventura, CA.  This retreat will focus on an incredible journey in one of the most beautiful National Parks in the Country – Santa Cruz Island....