Sweet Gifts in Overflow by Rev. Kim Stanwood Terranova

by Sep 4, 2021Uncategorized


Soul Center Celebrates 11 Years! January is Anniversary Month

We live in an abundant Universe and this abundance is forever rushing to us.  Our job is to cultivate a heart that is open and available to be good receivers of the gifts of Spirit.

Ernest Holmes expresses it this way, “It is natural that we should wish for the more abundant life.  It is right that we are to accept it.  God has already made the gift, it is up to us to receive it.”  Yes, it is up to us to receive it!   Our availability to be good receivers of the riches of Spirit is the key!  Many of us may scream out, “but I am ready to receive it all!”  Yet, if we look within our deep-seated beliefs, or listen closely to any limiting language that we may use, there may be signs of where we are not truly preparing to receive.  If we have been experiencing lack, it may benefit us to clean our inner house to accept that we are worthy and willing to receive the unlimited abundance of Spirit!

To cultivate a field of massive receptivity, we must live a life of daily spiritual practice.  Every practice we embody, every prayer, gratitude, acknowledgment, intention, prepares us to receive the riches of the divine.  Every time we say yes, and thank you, we are honing our consciousness to receive.  Every time we are willing to accept a kind word, a hug, a meal, or a gift, it nurtures the field of receptivity in accepting more good than we ever imagined.

Today, I invite you to open your heart, open your arms, and be willing to receive!  Catch a warm smile from someone, truly receive it.  Say thank you when you are offered a gift, or a treasure from nature, simply say THANK YOU!  Be willing to see and accept the overflow of Spirit everywhere you look!

Sweet gifts of Spirit are ours in overflow.  Let us cultivate the consciousness for them to land upon!


I am willing to cultivate open receptivity to all the good that Spirit continues to shower upon me.
Rev. Kim Stanwood Terranova

The Universe is infinitely abundant.  As a child of the Universe, I am entitled to the miracles that flow forth from it freely. 
Marianne Williamson, A Year of Miracles