I Knew it then, but I forgot
Forgot so much and often
That what I thought I knew
Was just no longer True
Off and on I’d get a glimpse
Bright and light and beckoning
Too hard to hold for very long
The ego pull was way too strong
The darkness won the tug of war
Collapse complete prevailed
Shame and Fear were what I knew
Numb escape was all I longed for.
The years were bleak to say the least
Effort seemed not to matter
My Girl refused me settling there
Healing started with her care
Some Love, some Light were sneaking thru
My mind remembered what was True
These fits and starts became the norm
The Knowing I Knew crawled back to Form
Returning to this conscious place
Was different than before
Compassion now upon the scene.
The heart became a Love Machine.
The growth and change well worth the pain
Demanded to be shared
The Truth I Knew just had to Be
Birthed into Reality
Attraction laws went into work
And look what we Created
A place to know the truly True
Could never do it With Out You.