Soul Center Celebrates 11 Years! January is Anniversary Month
Praying On Purpose
If you take time to reflect on the power of prayer you will likely come to realize that there is a spiritual science inherent in its practice. Those who have studied the pathways of enlightenment have all come to master the use of prayer as essential to a joy filled life.
To pray on purpose means two things: 1) To deliberately establish prayer as a ceaseless practice 2) To use prayer for a purpose.
In this class we will study and utilize the sacred technology of affirmative prayer and apply it to our everyday lives. We will purposefully apply prayer to the fundamental cornerstones of life: Health, Wealth, Relationships, Creativity, Career, Home and Purpose.
In a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere this class includes:
Required books: The Dynamic Laws of Prayer. Catherine Ponder
Day: 5 Wednesdays, May 11 – June 8, 2022
Time: 6:00-8:00pm PT / 9:00-11:00pm ET
Location: Online Via Zoom
Cost: $158.00 New (first time student to this class) $48.00 Reviewing student (have taken this class within last two years)