Divine Download by Kim Stanwood Terranova, ALSP

by Oct 16, 2019Uncategorized


Soul Center Celebrates 11 Years! January is Anniversary Month

Have you ever felt like downloads were coming in so fast that you did not know how to contain them?  Those moments in time that you suddenly knew more than you thought you did, moments where you were intuitively guided to go in a certain direction, or where an answer to a question just miraculously landed on your lap?  Those precious moments in time where God was showing you that you were more than you knew you were, or more than you ever thought you could ever be?

Well, prepare yourself please, it is time to accept that this is your new normal!  As we continually set a bold intention to stay connected to Spirit and to embody deep wisdom, then we are actively inviting divine downloads to abundantly land upon our consciousness! Prepare yourself!

We came here to remember who we are and receive the blessings of the almighty Spirit.  That is our journey in the human form.  We grow to know more, to be more.  As awakened beings we get to remember that divine downloads from the Universal field of wisdom are the natural order of life.  We are receiving divine inspiration every moment, if we but listen.  Our divine duty is to be still and listen with an open heart, to listen with every cell, to listen to the inner workings of Spirit that is always walking with us.  The sweet messages are landing in our consciousness with every breath we take.  They are gifts of the divine that are yours to be received.

The downloads are coming, they are never ending, and you have all you need to catch them, and allow them to propel your life forward in expansively profound ways.  YOU are the access point where Spirit is downloading. Be open to say yes to receiving!