

Soul Center Celebrates 11 Years! January is Anniversary Month

Keep the Door Open by Jason D. Mitchell

It is often nearly impossible to predict the impact of our lives upon others. Certainly there are times when we can see the direct effect an action or even of inaction but this seems to be rare. Sure, some things are easily correlated, a smile in return for a hello, a...

The First Mystical Law: There is only Now

The First Mystical Law: There is only Now by Caroline Myss. The heart of so many mystical disciplines is “Stay fully present.” Learn to keep your spirit fully in focus, so that you know where “all of you” is at all times. Such a profound truth is one that the mind...

Travel Lightly.

Travel Lightly.  Let Go of those Heavy Thoughts. by Marianne Williamson. The weight on your body is as nothing compared to the weight on your heart . . . the sadness, the shame, the despair, the weariness. Yet imagine, if only for a moment, that there is a force in...

Joy As Your Life

JOY AS YOUR LIFE by Jason D. Mitchell. Why would anyone ever choose to be sad? It’s such an unpleasant experience. Why would anyone choose to be depressed or angry? These experiences aren’t exactly filled with smiles and laughter. Yes, we all experience...