

Soul Center Celebrates 11 Years! January is Anniversary Month

Be Longing in One by Gail Klein

The first month of the new year 2021 and I am contemplating Being One.  Many of us found ourselves basically alone amidst the circumstances at the end of 2020 – curiously the zero… transitioning into the One! We have been going back to zero: sit, be still and...

Agape Affirmation January 31st.

I am here to deliver my gifts and follow my bliss! Today I simply and joyfully present myself for the good of God to express! Divine love is made visible through my presence in my work place! The prospering energy of pure Spirit blesses every aspect of my being!...

Try It On by Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith

Try It On. By Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith. Agape’s Inner Visions Daily Inspiration Guide, September 9, 2020 When it comes to evolving one’s fundamental life structures, most individuals go through life experiencing an “it’s good enough” mindset.  Fearing that...

God and Dr. Einstein by Ernest Holmes

As heard on “This Thing Called Life” Sunday, May 21, 1950. After many years of patient work, Dr. Albert Einstein feels that he has found one law governing all physical phenomena. If so, it is one of the greatest and most important discoveries of all time. But what has...

As I Began to Love Myself.

This is Charlie Chaplin at age 26, photographed 100 years ago. Below is a poem he read on his 70th birthday, written by Kim McMillen. As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth....