Bring on the Light by Rev. Karen Wylie

by Oct 11, 2021Uncategorized


Soul Center Celebrates 11 Years! January is Anniversary Month

Bring on the Light!
This morning I awoke to these words and wrote them down on the tablet beside my bed.  I knew it was a message from God. Bring on the light my Beloveds!  Do not, for a moment, think that you and your light and love make no difference in this worry weary world.  We must continue to do our work as never before no matter what it looks like on the outside.
Our work is deep now because we are in these times of great change and transformation.  It may take some time to see the effect of the inner work you are doing in this current reality because everything is inside out and upside down.
Know this…you make a difference when you stay anchored in the truth of your being.  You make a difference when you choose the light and cast your love out into the world.  You have come for times exactly like these.  Look to God for your inspiration and joy.  Look for the beauty everywhere in everything.  That which is eternal never changes.  Stay faithful to your spiritual practice and look to God for the answers you seek no matter the circumstance.  Surrender your need to know.  Be willing to live in the unknown, trusting constantly that God will see you through in all circumstances.  Look up Beloveds!  Remember your source!  Everything you need is here now!  Look up!