The powerful, paternal presence of God supports and inspires me! The sacred presence of Spirit expresses in through and as me! New ideas flow through me! Insights unfold within me! My relations form around the power of my loving heart! The source and substance of my...
I am an indispensable being of boundless potential! Dynamic by design! New horizons of infinite possibility greet me everyday! Habits of health and wholeness support my body and my mind! The beauty of my soul is activated and expresses right now! Today I embrace the...
This is Charlie Chaplin at age 26, photographed 100 years ago. Below is a poem he read on his 70th birthday, written by Kim McMillen. As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth....
I am a divine idea bursting into expression! Whole, complete and perfect! Today I joyfully exercise my right to shine! Vibrations of greatness and enthusiasm under gird my life! Thoughts of health and wholeness revitalize my body temple! I am a creative, innovative...
Today I expand my perception, change my direction and set myself free! I am the embodiment of God sourced energy. Whole, complete and perfect! Abundance is always trending and never ending as my life! I thrive! Bursts of enthusiasm and blasts of God’s love propel me!...