Agape OATH OF MANIFESTATION by Rev. Dr. Cheryl Ward. I accept and receive unexpected good, unexpected money, unexpected love, unexpected kindness, unexpected generosity, unexpected offers, unexpected prosperity coming in unexpected ways from unexpected places in my...
Your Beliefs Can Change Your Life In Spirituality – On January 6, 2016 Everyday life is impossible without holding your own set of beliefs. Just because belief exists silently doesn’t make it less powerful. Most people are guided by belief in the work they...
I am available to be a rich and mighty blessing on this planet! The universal law of cosmic good is always working in my life! The idea that God planted in my soul is emerging with grace and ease! I choose to reveal the highest and best within me no matter what!...
I am rooted in the rich soil of God consciousness! The fire of my imagination ignites the divine potential within me! A perfect pattern of absolute wholeness shapes and forms my body temple! The high vibration of unconditional love supports all of my relationships! I...
Within our core self is an indelible blueprint of unrivaled individuality—the singular being that each of us exists to express. In this three-dimensional movie called “Life” there are no stand-ins, body doubles, or understudies—no one can fill in for us by proxy....